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Education & Development
Employability Hub
Welcome, in this hub you’ll find a range of FREE resources that may help you develop your employability. It is searchable by the ten components of the OU’s Employability Framework.

Education & Development
How to quickly sharpen up your study skills
OpenLearn has a host of short content to help you improve your study skills and learn useful knowledge and information. Take a look at our selected animations, interactives, videos and articles to take your learning further.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Sport and Fitness Hub
Welcome to the Sport and Fitness Hub. Enjoy exploring our range of free courses, articles and interactives to exercise your body and mind.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Neurodiversity Celebration Week was created to challenge misconceptions about neurological differences. Through our articles and free courses, we aim to celebrate neurodiversity and advocate for an inclusive world.
Start your language learning journey today

Open Centre for Languages and Cultures
The Open Centre for Languages and Cultures: your learning hub for communication in an interconnected world.

Education & Development
English: skills for learning
Develop the English reading and writing skills needed for university success.

Test your language skills: Spanish, French, Italian and German
How are your language skills? Heading off on a trip to Spain, France, Italy or Germany and want to know how you'd fare getting by? Find out with our virtual, interactive adventures and test your language skills on the way!

How to learn a language
Learn about the concepts and skills required to learn languages successfully. This free course, How to learn a language, introduces the skills and strategies for language learning, setting realistic goals when learning languages and keeping motivated, practise speaking skills and vocabulary learning strategies. It will enable you to evaluate ...
Sign up for free to get the most out of OpenLearn
Signing up and creating a profile allows you to enrol on our free courses, track your progress and share your achievements. All for free!